Summer Cooking

I neglected my Weekend Cooking posts for most of the summer but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t cooking! I had the great fortune of having friends and family staying with us which meant I was able to draft menu plans keeping in mind my guests preferences (ages ranged from 8 to 80 years old), some dietary intolerances (read: gluten) and get creative so as to leverage the summer produce.
I did not have a camera on hand all the time e.g. my pictures for my daily baking classes with my nieces but we did capture a good bit. Here are some of the highlights.
Summer Salads: Of course, we were blessed tasty produce all summer. I started to invent more ways to use lettuce, zucchini, beets and corn.
Baked Goods: Here are some snapshots of my contributions to Independence Day and neighborhood parties, and baking with my nieces.

Warm Dishes: I missed Asian food so made a few on my own over the summer. I also loved using the fresh summer produce simply mixed in with pasta.

Cold Dishes: I don’t know how many Caprese sandwiches I ate this summer but no other sandwiches seemed to exist when fresh tomato and basil were in such abundance. I also loved using cucumbers in maki rolls (again, sating the Asian food craving).
I can’t wait for fall!